Best Writing Side Hustles

23 Best Writing Side Hustles to Earn Money in 2024

Are you a writer looking to boost your income? With the growing demand for content across various industries, there are numerous writing side hustles perfect for writers.

Diversifying your income streams not only offers financial stability but also helps you hone different writing skills. This article will guide you through 23 lucrative writing side hustles that you can start today.

Best Writing Side Hustles

Side Hustle Industry Earnings
Freelance Writing Various $0.05 – $0.35 per word
Blogging Various Variable, based on traffic and monetization
Copywriting Marketing Up to $60,000 annually
Technical Writing Software, Engineering, Medical $30 – $60 per hour
Self-Publishing Books Publishing Royalties per sale
Proofreading and Editing Publishing, Business $12 – $30 per hour
Social Media Content Creation Marketing $1 – $10 per post
Resume Writing Career Services $50 – $200 per resume
Ghostwriting Publishing, Corporate High, depending on project and client
Transcription Services Various $13 – $30 per hour
Creating Online Courses Education Passive income from course sales
Writing for Revenue-Sharing Sites Online Publishing Variable, based on views and engagement
Writing Reviews Various Variable, often product-based compensation
Affiliate Marketing Marketing Variable, based on sales and traffic
Writing Greeting Cards Creative Per accepted submission or royalties
Virtual Assistant Services Administrative $15 – $40 per hour
Scriptwriting Media, Entertainment Variable, often high for experienced writers
Mystery Shopping Market Research Variable, often task-based
SEO Content Writing Digital Marketing Variable, based on word count and complexity
Content Planning Digital Marketing Variable, based on project scope
Writing Short Stories Publishing Per story, variable by publication
Starting a YouTube Channel Media, Education Variable, based on views and monetization
Establishing a Podcast Media, Education Variable, based on sponsorships and ads

1. Freelance Writing

Best Writing Side Hustles

Freelance writing is one of the most popular writing side hustles for writers. It involves creating articles, blog posts, and other content for various clients. This side hustle offers flexibility and the potential for high earnings, depending on your expertise and client base.

To get started, create a profile on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. These websites connect freelancers with clients looking for writing services. You can set your own rates and choose projects that match your interests and skills.

Freelance writing can pay between $0.05 to $0.35 per word, depending on the project’s complexity and your experience. It’s essential to build a strong portfolio and gather positive reviews to attract more clients. Consistent quality work will lead to repeat business and higher rates over time.

Additionally, networking with other writers and joining writing groups can help you find opportunities and gain insights into the industry. Freelance writing allows you to work from anywhere, making it an ideal side hustle for those who enjoy flexibility and variety in their work.

2. Blogging

Starting a blog is a fantastic way to share your passions and expertise while making money. It involves creating and monetizing content on your own website. With platforms like WordPress and Blogger, setting up a blog has never been easier. Once your blog is up and running, you can monetize it through advertisements, affiliate marketing, and sponsored posts.

The key to successful blogging is creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience. Promote your blog through social media channels and search engine optimization (SEO) to attract a steady stream of readers. Consistent, valuable content will help you build a loyal readership, which can translate into higher earnings.

Choosing the right niche is crucial. Focus on topics you are passionate about and knowledgeable in. Popular niches include health, finance, travel writing, and personal development. Write informative and well-researched posts that provide real value to your readers. Engaging writing, combined with strong visuals, will keep your audience coming back for more.

Monetization strategies vary. Display ads are common, where you earn money based on ad impressions and clicks. Affiliate marketing is another effective method, where you promote products or services and earn a commission for each sale made through your referral links. Sponsored posts involve partnering with brands to create content that promotes their products or services.

Earnings from blogging can vary widely. Some bloggers make a few hundred dollars a month, while others earn thousands. The potential for passive income makes blogging an attractive side hustle for writers. With dedication and strategic planning, your blog can become a significant source of income.

3. Copywriting

Copywriting involves writing persuasive content for advertisements and marketing materials. It’s a highly lucrative writing side hustle for writers with strong persuasive skills. Copywriters create compelling content that drives readers to take action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.

To succeed in copywriting, you need to understand your target audience and what motivates them. Building a portfolio showcasing your best work is essential. Reach out to potential clients and offer your services. Networking with other copywriters and marketers can also open doors to new opportunities.

Copywriting can be done for various media, including print, digital, and social platforms. Strong copy can convert readers into customers, making this a valuable skill for businesses. Some copywriters earn up to $60,000 annually, making it one of the most profitable writing side hustles.

4. Technical Writing

Technical writing involves creating user manuals, guides, and other technical documentation. This writing side hustle is ideal for writers with a background in technical fields such as software, engineering, or medical industries. Technical writing requires the ability to explain complex topics in a simple, clear manner.

To succeed in technical writing, it’s important to have a strong understanding of the subject matter you are writing about. Familiarize yourself with technical writing tools and terminology to enhance your skills. Tools like Adobe FrameMaker, Microsoft Word, and various help authoring tools (HATs) are commonly used in this field.

Start by identifying industries or companies that need technical writers. Many tech companies, engineering firms, and healthcare organizations require detailed documentation for their products and services. Networking with professionals in these industries can help you find opportunities.

Earnings in technical writing are competitive and vary by industry. Technical writers often earn a higher rate due to the specialized knowledge required. Rates can range from $30 to $60 per hour, depending on the complexity of the project and your expertise.

5. Self-Publishing Books

Self-publishing allows you to write and publish your own books. This writing side hustle can generate passive income through book sales. Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and Barnes & Noble Press make it easy to self-publish.

Writing and self-publishing a book can be a rewarding experience. Choose a niche you’re knowledgeable about and create a high-quality book. The first step is to write your manuscript. Ensure it’s well-edited and formatted for the chosen platform. Investing in a professional cover design and editing services can significantly enhance your book’s appeal.

Once your book is published, promoting it is crucial. Utilize social media, email marketing, and book promotion sites to reach a wider audience. Engaging with readers through author events and book signings can also boost sales.

Earnings from self-publishing can vary widely. Some authors make a modest income, while others earn significant royalties. The key is to continually produce high-quality content and actively market your books. Self-publishing offers you complete control over your work and the potential to earn a steady stream of income. So, it’s one of the best writing side hustles that you can choose.

6. Proofreading and Editing

Proofreading and editing involve reviewing written content for errors and improving clarity. It’s one of the great writing side hustles for detail-oriented writers. Proofreading focuses on correcting spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, while editing may involve more substantial changes to improve flow and coherence.

To get started, build a portfolio showcasing your editing skills. Offer your services on freelance platforms such as Scribendi and Networking with writers and joining professional editing associations can also help you find clients. Proofreading and editing can pay between $12 and $30 per hour, depending on the complexity of the work and your experience.

Proofreading and editing are essential services for writers, businesses, and publishers. As more content is produced, the demand for skilled proofreaders and editors continues to grow. This side hustle allows you to work from anywhere, making it a flexible option for those with strong attention to detail and a passion for improving written content.

7. Social Media Content Creation

Best Writing Side Hustles

Creating content for social media platforms can be a lucrative writing side hustle for writers. This includes crafting posts, captions, and managing accounts. Social media content creation involves writing short, engaging posts that resonate with audiences.

To succeed in this field, stay updated with social media trends and algorithms. Create content that is visually appealing and encourages interaction. Businesses and influencers often need help managing their social media presence. Offer your services to create and manage social media content. Earnings vary but can range from $1 to $10 per post, depending on the platform and the complexity of the content.

Social media content creation offers flexibility and creativity. You can work with various clients, from small businesses to large corporations, helping them build their brand and engage with their audience. This side hustle can also lead to long-term contracts and higher earnings as you build your reputation and expertise.

8. Resume Writing

Resume writing is an in-demand service that helps job seekers create standout resumes and cover letters. This side hustle requires strong writing skills and an understanding of current job market trends. Help job seekers craft compelling resumes and cover letters that highlight their skills and experience.

To start, build a portfolio of sample resumes and gather testimonials from satisfied clients. Promote your services on job boards or create a website to attract clients. Staying updated with resume trends, such as keyword optimization for applicant tracking systems (ATS), can make your service more valuable. Resume writing can pay between $50 and $200 per resume, depending on the complexity and the client’s needs.

Providing a personalized touch and understanding each client’s unique career path can make your resume writing service stand out. As job seekers often struggle to present their skills effectively, your expertise can significantly impact their job search success.

9. Ghostwriting

Ghostwriting involves writing content that is published under someone else’s name. This can include books, articles, and speeches. Ghostwriters create content for clients who prefer to publish under their own name. This can be a lucrative side hustle if you have strong writing skills and can adapt to different voices and styles. It is one of the best writing side hustles that you can choose.

Ghostwriting is common in publishing, corporate, and personal branding industries. Building a portfolio and networking with potential clients can help you find ghostwriting opportunities. Earnings depend on the project and client but can be quite high, especially for experienced ghostwriters.

To succeed, understand the client’s voice and expectations thoroughly. Confidentiality is crucial in ghostwriting, as you will not receive public credit for your work. This side hustle can be particularly rewarding for those who enjoy writing without the need for personal recognition.

10. Transcription Services

Transcription involves converting audio and video recordings into written documents. It’s a flexible side hustle for writers with good listening skills. Platforms like Rev and TranscribeMe connect transcriptionists with clients.

Transcriptionists listen to recordings and type out the spoken words accurately. This side hustle offers flexibility and can be done from anywhere with an internet connection. Transcription can pay between $13 and $30 per hour. Improving your typing speed and familiarizing yourself with transcription software can help you succeed in this side hustle.

Specializing in fields like medical or legal transcription can increase your earning potential. Accurate transcription requires excellent attention to detail and fast typing skills. This side hustle is ideal for those who prefer tasks that are straightforward and repetitive.

11. Creating Online Courses

Creating and selling online courses is a great way to share your writing expertise and earn passive income. Platforms like Udemy and Skillshare make it easy to develop and distribute your courses.

First, identify a niche or topic you are knowledgeable about. Create detailed and engaging course content, including video lectures, written materials, and quizzes. Investing in good recording equipment can enhance the quality of your course. Promote your course through social media, email marketing, and educational platforms to attract students.

Online courses can generate steady income over time. The key is to create high-quality content that provides real value to your students. Updating your course regularly and engaging with your students can help maintain its relevance and popularity. With dedication and strategic marketing, online courses can become a significant source of passive income.

12. Writing for Revenue-Sharing Sites

Publishing content on revenue-sharing sites like Medium allows you to earn money based on the performance of your articles. These platforms pay writers based on the number of views, reads, and engagement their articles receive.

To get started, sign up for a revenue-sharing platform and familiarize yourself with its guidelines and audience. Write high-quality, engaging articles that resonate with readers. Topics that perform well include self-help, health, business advice, and current events. Promote your articles through social media and other channels to increase visibility and readership.

Earnings on revenue-sharing sites can vary widely. Some writers make a modest income, while others earn significant amounts from popular articles. Consistency and quality are key to success on these platforms. The more you write and engage with your audience, the higher your potential earnings.

13. Writing Reviews

Writing reviews for products, services, or books can be an easy and enjoyable side hustle. Many companies and websites pay for honest, detailed reviews that help consumers make informed decisions.

Start by identifying products or services you are passionate about. Write thorough and balanced reviews that highlight both the pros and cons. Platforms like Amazon Vine, blogs, and review sites can help you get started. Some companies may send you free products in exchange for reviews, while others pay per review.

Earnings from writing reviews can vary. Some reviewers make a steady income, while others receive free products or small payments. Providing honest and detailed feedback is crucial for building credibility and attracting more opportunities.

14. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral links. This is one of the best writing side hustles. It is ideal for writers who have a blog or a strong online presence.

To get started, join affiliate programs related to your niche. Popular programs include Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and CJ Affiliate. Create content that naturally incorporates your affiliate links, such as product reviews, tutorials, and recommendations.

The key to success in affiliate marketing is to promote products you genuinely believe in. This builds trust with your audience and increases the likelihood of sales. Earnings can vary widely, depending on your traffic and the products you promote. Some affiliate marketers earn a few hundred dollars a month, while others make thousands.

15. Writing Greeting Cards

Writing greeting cards can be a fun and creative side hustle. Greeting card companies often seek writers to create messages for various occasions, such as birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries.

To get started, research companies that accept freelance submissions, such as Hallmark and American Greetings. Review their submission guidelines and study their existing cards to understand their style and tone. Write original and heartfelt messages that fit their requirements.

Earnings from greeting card writing can vary. Some companies pay per accepted submission, while others offer royalties based on sales. This side hustle requires creativity and a knack for capturing emotions in a few words. It’s a great option for writers who enjoy short-form writing and want to see their work in print.

16. Virtual Assistant Services

Virtual assistants provide remote administrative support to clients. This can include tasks such as email management, scheduling, and social media management. For writers, offering virtual assistant services can be a lucrative side hustle that leverages their organizational and communication skills.

To get started, create a profile on platforms like Upwork and Freelancer. Highlight your skills and experience relevant to virtual assistant tasks. Network with small business owners and entrepreneurs who might need assistance.

Virtual assistant services typically pay between $15 and $40 per hour, depending on the tasks and your experience. This side hustle offers flexibility, allowing you to work from anywhere and set your own hours. As you gain experience and build your client base, you can increase your rates and take on more specialized tasks. It is one of the best writing side hustles to choose from.

17. Scriptwriting

Scriptwriting involves writing scripts for various media, including movies, TV shows, advertisements, and online videos. This side hustle is ideal for writers who enjoy storytelling and have a knack for dialogue.

To get started, study the basics of scriptwriting, including format and structure. Write sample scripts and build a portfolio showcasing your work. Platforms like Scripted and Upwork can help you find scriptwriting gigs.

Earnings from scriptwriting can vary widely, depending on the project and client. Some scriptwriters earn a few hundred dollars per script, while others make thousands. Networking with industry professionals and attending scriptwriting workshops can help you find more opportunities and improve your skills.

18. Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopping involves evaluating stores, restaurants, or services and writing reports about your experiences. While not a traditional writing job, it often requires detailed and descriptive writing skills. As a mystery shopper, you provide valuable feedback to companies looking to improve their customer experience.

To get started, sign up with mystery shopping companies that match shoppers with assignments. Companies like Market Force and BestMark are popular options. After completing an assignment, you’ll write a report detailing your observations and experiences.

Earnings from mystery shopping can vary. Some assignments pay a flat fee, while others reimburse you for purchases or meals. This side hustle offers flexibility and the opportunity to earn money while enjoying different experiences. It’s a great option for writers who enjoy variety and have strong observational skills.

19. SEO Content Writing

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) content writing involves creating articles and web content optimized for search engines. This side hustle requires knowledge of SEO techniques and the ability to write engaging, keyword-rich content. SEO content writing helps websites rank higher in search engine results, driving more traffic and visibility.

To get started, learn the basics of SEO and keyword research. Write sample articles demonstrating your SEO skills and build a portfolio. Offer your services on freelance platforms or reach out to businesses looking to improve their online presence.

Earnings for SEO content writers can vary widely, with rates often based on word count and project complexity. SEO content writing is a valuable skill in the digital marketing industry, offering writers the potential for steady work and competitive pay.

20. Content Planning

Content planning involves creating a strategy for a website or blog’s content. This includes researching topics, identifying keywords, and organizing a content calendar. Content planning ensures that a website consistently publishes high-quality, relevant content that attracts and engages readers.

To get started, develop your content planning skills and create a portfolio showcasing your work. Offer your services to bloggers, businesses, and digital marketing agencies. Effective content planning can significantly improve a website’s performance, making it a valuable service.

Earnings for content planners can vary, with rates often based on the scope and complexity of the project. Content planning is a strategic role that requires strong organizational and research skills. It’s one of the excellent writing side hustles for writers who enjoy planning and optimizing content strategies.

21. Writing Short Stories

Writing short stories can be a profitable side hustle for writers with a flair for fiction. Short stories are in demand for literary magazines, online publications, and anthologies. This side hustle allows writers to express their creativity and potentially earn money from their imaginative works.

To get started, write a collection of short stories and submit them to literary magazines and online platforms. Many publications offer payment for accepted submissions, ranging from a few dollars to several hundred dollars per story. Building a portfolio of published work can enhance your reputation and open up more opportunities.

Additionally, consider self-publishing your short stories as eBooks on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. Promote your eBooks through social media and your website to attract readers. Writing short stories can be both creatively fulfilling and financially rewarding, especially for writers who enjoy crafting fictional narratives.

22. Starting a YouTube Channel

Best Writing Side Hustles

Starting a YouTube channel focused on writing tips, book reviews, or storytelling can be a fun and engaging side hustle. YouTube allows writers to share their expertise and connect with a broader audience. Monetizing a YouTube channel can be achieved through ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.

To get started, create a YouTube account and plan your content strategy. Invest in good recording equipment to ensure high-quality videos. Consistency is key, so upload new content regularly to keep your audience engaged. Topics can include writing tutorials, book recommendations, and author interviews.

Promote your channel through social media and collaborate with other YouTubers to grow your audience. Earnings from YouTube can vary based on the number of views and subscribers. Successful channels can generate significant income and provide writers with a platform to showcase their skills and knowledge.

23. Establishing a Podcast

Establishing a podcast focused on writing, storytelling, or book discussions can be an excellent side hustle. Podcasts allow writers to share their insights and connect with a like-minded audience. Monetization options include sponsorships, ads, and listener donations through platforms like Patreon.

To start a podcast, choose a niche and plan your episodes. Invest in quality recording equipment and editing software. Consistency is crucial, so release episodes on a regular schedule. Promote your podcast through social media and collaborate with other podcasters to expand your reach.

Podcasts offer a flexible way to share your knowledge and engage with an audience. Earnings can vary, but popular podcasts can attract sponsors and generate substantial income. Podcasting is a great option for writers who enjoy speaking and have valuable insights to share.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)

What is the best writing side hustle for beginners?

For beginners, freelance writing is often the best side hustle. It offers flexibility, a wide range of topics, and the opportunity to build a diverse portfolio. Starting on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr can help you find initial clients and gain experience.

How can I start a freelance writing career?

To start a freelance writing career, create a profile on freelance platforms such as Upwork or Fiverr. Build a portfolio with samples of your work, even if they are self-published or unpaid pieces. Apply for jobs that match your skills and interests, and gather positive reviews to attract more clients.

Is it profitable to start a blog?

Starting a blog can be profitable, but it requires time and effort. Success depends on choosing the right niche, creating high-quality content, and effectively monetizing your blog through ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsored posts. Earnings can vary widely, but dedicated bloggers can make substantial income.

What skills are needed for technical writing?

Technical writing requires a strong understanding of the subject matter, excellent writing skills, and the ability to explain complex topics clearly. Familiarity with technical writing tools and software, such as Adobe FrameMaker and Microsoft Word, is also beneficial.

How do I market my resume writing services?

To market your resume writing services, build a portfolio with sample resumes and gather testimonials from satisfied clients. Promote your services on job boards, social media, and professional networking sites like LinkedIn. Creating a website can also help attract clients and showcase your expertise.

Wrapping Up

Diversifying your income through writing side hustles can provide financial stability and help you develop new skills. Whether you choose freelance writing, blogging, copywriting, or any of the other options mentioned, there are plenty of opportunities to leverage your writing talents. Start by identifying your strengths and interests, and take the first step towards building a successful side hustle. With dedication and strategic planning, you can turn your writing skills into a profitable venture.

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